45 research outputs found

    Incremental and Radical Innovation : Design in Robotics for Autism : Teo and Riby robots : Evolutionary Development

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    Present paper analyzes and compares two innovation models in robot design. The first part describes the incremental development process of Teo: a robotic tool for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) treatment for children. The second part describes the radical innovation model used for Riby: a robotic tool for ASD treatment for adults. At the end of this paper, authors discuss the results of each case and expose the conclusions as a possible new method of product development in social robotics

    A huggable, mobile robot for developmental disorder interventions in a multi-modal interaction space

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    We propose a new emotional, huggable, mobile, and configurable robot (Teo), which can address some of the still open therapeutic needs in the treatment of Developmental Disability (DD). Teo has been designed in partnership with a team of DD specialists, and it is meant to be used as an efficient and easy-to-use tool for caregivers. Teo is integrated with virtual worlds shown on large displays or projections and with external motion sensing devices to support various forms of full-body interaction and to engage DD persons in a variety of play activities that blend the digital and physical world and can be fully customized by therapists to meet the requirements of each single subject. Exploratory studies have been performed at two rehabilitation centres to investigate the potential of our approach. The positive results of these studies pinpoint that our system endeavors promising opportunities to offer new forms of interventions for DD people


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    This paper introduces the issue of the schooling of wearable technologies in the context of design schools. This document briefly presents a few examples of Wearable Computing as a result of the course of Physical Computing Principles For Designers and some thesis projects. The authors propose, in the end, some of the conclusions of the experiences and some indications for the development of new educational activities

    Physical Computing, strumento progettuale per i designer di oggi.

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    Siamo di fronte a quello che molti chiamano \u201cla nuova rivoluzione industriale\u201d (Anderson, 2013). Un cambiamento storico dove le logi- che di produzione, distribuzione e consumo dei beni materiale che conosciamo potrebbero essere ridefinite grazie all\u2019utilizzo della tecnologia in maniera diversa. Alla base di questo cambiamento esi- stono diversi fattori, ma sicuramente, uno dei pi\uf9 importanti riguar- da la possibilit\ue0 di scambiare facilmente via internet l\u2019informazione necessaria per la costruzione di prodotti. Questa informazione pu\uf2 riguardare Know-How ed esperienze costruttive ma anche, e fonda- mentalmente, la \u201cdescrizione\u201d matematica delle parti componenti di questi prodotti